Downtown Fort Wayne FAQs

The District includes 99 blocks located within the center of Downtown Fort Wayne. State statute requires signatures from property owners representing more than 50% of the non-residential property and more than 50% of the non-residential real property value to be renewed to authorize a commercial district.

What is a Downtown Improvement District?

Downtown Improvement Districts are designated zones that receive services provided above and beyond the level currently offered by the local government. Through the mechanism of an independent assessment district, property owners can decide what kind and what level of Downtown management services they need and exert direct control over the delivery of the services.

What is a Services Plan?

The Downtown Services Plan outlines the services and activities funded by the assessment paid by the property owners within the District and other financial contributions from partnering organizations.

Why does Downtown need coordinated management and marketing services?

Many suburban properties, including office parks and shopping malls, are developed, managed, and marketed by a single ownership group or management company. Generally, Downtown buildings and land ownership is divided among individuals and companies with no coordinated management to advocate their interests, provide standard services, or promote the Downtown as a product. This situation makes it difficult to accomplish such tasks as facilitating environmental and safety services, promoting Downtown as a destination, and gathering and disseminating pertinent data on Downtown’s progress. Property owners can easily overcome such obstacles by working together and collaborating on initiatives for mutual benefit.

What is the Downtown Blueprint 2016 Update, and why is it important?

Collaboration is vital to the success of our shared community. A strategic plan, such as The Downtown Blueprint 2016 Update, allows organizations to collaboratively ratify important projects for Downtown while avoiding duplication of effort to ensure we remain actionable and goal-oriented. Such organizations include the Downtown Improvement District, the City of Fort Wayne, Greater Fort Wayne, Inc., Visit Fort Wayne, Arts United, and others.

How much do the services cost me, and how is the assessment paid?

By Indiana state statute IC 36-7-22-3, the Downtown Improvement District assessment is apportioned among all commercial, taxpaying property owners within the District boundaries. The assessment is .0015 of the real estate property value and is proportionately assessed. District assessments will continue to be collected by the Allen County Auditor’s Office. Notification that your assessment is due will appear as part of the spring property tax bill.

Does everyone in the District have to pay the assessment?

All commercial taxpaying property owners within the District will receive an assessment for their required portion.

What safeguards exist to ensure property owners benefit from the services?

The Downtown Improvement District is governed by a Board of Directors who primarily own property or represent property owners within the 99 block District. Additionally, the property owners ultimately determine the organization’s renewal.