Enhance Appearances of Streets, Sidewalks, and Public Spaces:
Clean & Green Ambassador Services maintain and improve the appearance of sidewalks, curbs, and right-of-way via litter patrols, power washing, and detailed cleaning, e.g., weed and graffiti removal
Public/private partnerships coordinate and leverage sanitation/cleaning services effectively and efficiently
Work closely with property owners and other partners to ensure a clean, healthy, and litter-free environment
Proactively work with City and County on built-environment issues, including sidewalks, planters, bike racks, street trees, grates, etc., and the purchase and installation of litter/recycling receptacles and other streetscape additions
Improve Safety and the Perception of Safety Downtown:
Provide visible street presence throughout the District by delivering Downtown Improvement District Environmental Program Services
Support Fort Wayne Police Department by facilitating a partnership with Downtown residents and other strategically aligned programs. Work with the City of Fort Wayne to assist with social service outreach efforts that help control panhandling, vagrancy, etc.
Address issues such as lighting, blighted buildings, etc., through partnerships with the City of Fort Wayne, Allen County, and others
Continue to facilitate the elimination of graffiti within the 99 blocks of the district
Encourage Pride in Location and Space:
Facilitate partnerships among retails, restaurants, and property owners to enhance and optimize storefront, lighting, and maintenance
Support facade and landscape design through technical assistance grants
Conduct beautification efforts in collaboration with Parks and Recreation, Urban Forestry, and others to increase tree canopy, flower planting, and sidewalk repair
Help improve front-line hospitality through briefing and other information on features and benefits of downtown for visitors and residents
For more information please fill our our volunteer form or contact [email protected]